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ADDON集團發源於歐洲的德國,自1991年起在執行長林育生先生的經營下,迄今已逾十九年頭。精研於產品的開發設計,對於精緻工藝的產品設計風格,具有敏銳獨特的市場性眼光,Add-On具備IT業背景致力於資訊產品開發,是最早期投入Pen Drive的生產製作廠商,也是國內第一個開發隨身碟 / MP3產品的業者,因為具備數位音樂開發的技術,並看好數位音樂時代的趨勢,三年前即投入數位式喇叭音響開發。 以IT精緻設計的角度,跨入數位資訊週邊喇叭、家庭劇院音響、數位式真空管擴大機開發,在音響市場中,投入不同視覺感觀的系列商品。因精緻便利性的產品設計已獲得相當的讚賞,短短一年內,在德國履創佳績,2009/05 PLUS X AWARD 德國技術創新大獎、2009/06 Best Choice 、2010/03 iF 德國工業設計獎、2010/03 德國紅點設計獎、2010/04金點設計獎、2010/06 iF台北設計獎(Comptex Taipei),共計奪得二十八個國際設計大獎。
友通資訊股份有限公司(DFI)成立於1981年,是早期PC同業中經歷產業激烈變化及考驗後, 少數尚存續者之一。 早期所生產之介面卡(Add-on cards)規格功能領先同業, 成為友通快速成長的第一個基石。 隨著Add-on cards被整合進主機板的程度愈來愈高, 友通遂逐漸轉型, 切入主機板產業。 其間獲獎無數, 並曾於1997~1999年三獲美國CRN雜誌評選為全球十大主機板製造商。 在1994~1998年間, 亦曾經營過Notebook, CD-ROM及系統組裝之事業, 具備系統整合的經驗。 友通進入主機板產業後, 營收獲利逐年提升, 1999年EPS達3.16元, 遂水到渠成, 於2000年1月15日股票公開上市(股票代號:2397)。 友通創辦人呂衍奇先生, 秉持勤儉樸實的理念經營事業, 20幾年來, 不僅年年獲利, 且為零負債經營, 在業界建立良好名聲。 在產業不斷的洗牌下, 友通之領導人始終能眼光精準, 帶領公司轉型成功, 再創獲利高峰。 自2000年始, 主機板產業進入成熟期, 成長開始減緩, 價格競爭激烈, 獲利衰退。 友通為因應此趨勢, 除了逐步放棄無利可圖之中低階主機板市場, 轉攻高階之超頻(Over-clocking)主機板外, 最大及最重要之轉變, 即為切入ACP(特殊應用平台)市場。 當時一般工業電腦廠商仍多經營工控領域之CPU card, SBC, ECB, 友通則從商業應用切入市場, 挾設計速度, 品質, 交期, 成本的優勢, 迅速獲致各產業龍頭之長期訂單, 且因為客戶滿意度高, 因而持續將新產品/專案交由友通設計製造。 尤其在對品質挑剔的日本市場, 客戶訂單更以倍數增加的速度成長, 在品質及設計能力上給予友通肯定。 友通ACP之營收, 2002-2008年複合成長率達47%, 不斷獲取中大型客戶的長期訂單是原因之一。 由於工業電腦具備少量多樣, 3~5年長期供應, 品質與信賴重於成本, 產業廣度與深度遠優於其他產業的特性, 所以臺灣工業電腦產業長久以來能獲取穩定之高毛利。 友通因品質、速度及客戶服務上的優勢, 故能獲致較一般IPC更高之營業利益。 未來預計將朝每年營收成長至少20%的目標前進。 在超頻(Over-clocking)主機板產品上, 友通擁有質優的研發團隊, 能及時反映Power User的需求及技術趨勢, 在各種平台上, 總是堅持要做到效能第一。 未來友通之策略規劃, 除了持續拓展中高量之客戶, 以求營收之快速成長外; 亦朝向Embedded之系統整合上前進, 在超頻主機板上, 亦將持續維持技術第一與優質品牌的路線, 尋求優秀人才之加入, 以快速茁壯。 在可預見之未來, 友通將能維持營收獲利成長的步調, 再創事業新高峰。 公司網站www.dfi.com.tw 及 www.dfi-acp.com.tw。
Winic corporation was established in 1987, we manufacture a wide range products at our own factories here in Taiwan and control the manufacturing and the supply. In twenty years, we kept developing new items and show them up in the market. To offer the more competitive price of the products, we get them make in China and the quality of the products all fit to the clients inquiry as well. The ROHS products for environmental protection are the major emphasis we have engaged in recently. Our products are in four categories.(For more details, please surf on our website: http://www.winic.com) 1. PCI and PCI express Add-On Card Products. 2. USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 Products. 3. PCMCIA and PCMCIA express/Card bus Products. 4. Cable Accessories. We are expected to design and research new items to satisfy all customers and markets requirements in the future. Winic provides the most competitive USB Cable and Ethernet Cable for clients, hence they returned more profits. You will get more returns; just place the orders with Winic! Our company is ISO9001 certified, and we welcome OEM and ODM orders and also develop new products as you need.
主要販賣流行服飾 1: 永和區最大之服飾店- ADD流行服飾.公司成立11年餘.1~3樓.每樓層120坪位於知名樂華夜市 . 2: 1樓流行女裝服飾. 2樓男裝. 3樓牛仔系列.加大服飾系列 3: 員工素質高.沒有內鬥.沒有吵鬧.相處融洽 4: 擁有穩定客層.業績穩定.
本公司為代理日系知名品牌內衣on street基隆店,位於基隆最熱鬧的廟口夜市旁,預計以全新面貌展現,邀請具有熱情的你一起加入我們的行列!
Company. MW Capital is an active venture capital and private equity investor founded in 1999, focusing on companies with North America-Asia business scope at any stage of development. We primarily focus on companies located in Greater China or on the west coast of the United States. Value-Add, Active Investing. Our philosophy is based on the idea that successful venture capital investments result from close teamwork with company management. We specifically seek potential portfolio companies who can benefit from our Greater China / US activities as well as our value-add capabilities in technology, market strategy, international financial structure, and business development US-Greater China Network. Our network extends throughout the US and Greater China. When needed, we can utilize our contacts in the financial, manufacturing, and high tech industries to assist growing companies with partnering, business development, expansion, outsourcing of manufacturing, and product cost reduction. Commitment to Excellence. We are dedicated to finding companies with solid technology and exceptional business fundamentals, and then working with company management to achieve successful results. The General Partners that oversee our portfolio have extensive and complementary experience in technology, business development, international finance, and venture capital.
Add Hair 愛德華專業增髮 提供100%完全量身訂做假髮、編織植髮增髮、 瞬間增髮及假髮維修等多樣服務。與市面現成假髮、半訂作假髮、半手工假髮...等品質上有極大差異,公司提供1.5年售後保固服務,為全台灣假髮業最久的免費售後保固時間,愛德華採取注重客戶隱私的獨立整髮空間,舒適明亮又不需擔心他人的眼光,因為價格合理,目前業績正不斷成長中,預估明年將在南部再設立一個服務據點,為客戶提供更好的服務。
本公司為專業微波通訊零組件代理商,成立於1999年,至今邁入第12個年頭,代理品牌涵蓋世界各專業通訊零件製造商。提供優良關鍵性零組件予消費性(Cellular Mobile/GPS/DAB-T/S/C /BLUETOOTH/Wi-Fi/Wi-Max/UWB/Zigbee)及商用/工業用/軍用等各類型通訊應用 ,並慎選國外優良產品加入銷售行銷。 Woken Technology, Inc., specializes in RF/Microwave communications and related fields. Supported by a group of experienced technical engineers and consultants, Woken Technology is quite familiar with RF products and local market in Taiwan. Woken is confident of offering satisfactory service and technical support to the customers in add to high quality microwave products at reasonable prices. With a team of highly approachable people who prides itself on developing and maintaining excellent business relationships with its clients and international vendors, Woken Technology has expanded rapidly to become the leading company in the field.
企業簡介 公司簡介 治理實業有限公司自民國87年創立,從事專業廢水處理、冷卻水塔處理劑、鍋爐水處理藥品等專業藥劑販售。 服務項目 (1)廢水處理藥劑:PAC、催化劑、重金屬捕集劑、主凝劑、助凝劑、消泡劑、異味中和劑(除臭劑)、脫色劑。 (2)冷卻水處理藥品:水垢腐蝕抑制劑、殺菌滅藻劑(非氧化型)、殺菌錠(氧化型)、水垢清洗劑、分散劑。 (3)鍋爐水處理藥品:清罐劑、脫氧劑、冷凝水處理劑。 (4)加藥泵浦、定量型、機械式等。 (5)自動控制加藥系統 (6)其他專業藥品:燃油添加劑、結垢腐蝕抑制劑、結垢分散劑、漆渣浮除劑、漆渣破壞劑、塗裝噴漆循環水處理劑、水塔除垢劑 。 AutoMax Control Enterprise Co., Ltd. TEL:(07)616-7755 FAX:(07)616-9398 E-mail:[email protected] ADD:No.50, Anlin 4th St., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 824, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Company Profile AutoMax Control Enterprise Co., Ltd. was built up in 1998. Our specialty is on the water treatment preparation, dosing automated system, and chemical agents sales. Company Services 1. Water Treatment Chemicals : PAC , catalyst , heavy metal chelating agent , coagulator , antifoaming agent , deodorizer , decolorant. 2. Cooling water treatment chemicals : limescale corrosion inhibitor , biocide agents , biocide tablets , limescale cleaning agents , dispersing agents. 3. Boiler water treatment preparation : tank cleaning agent , deoxidizer , condensate water treatment agent. 4. Dosing Pump (quantitative type, mechanical type) 5. Automatic dosing system 6. Other chemical agents : fuel additives , fouling corrosion inhibitors , limescale dispersant , paint residue suspending agent , paint residue destructive agent , spray painting of circulating water treatment agent , water towers detergents.
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